Training programs

As a member of a participation council, you have the right to a training budget to be able to properly perform your tasks. For example, you can follow a training course. But where are you supposed to find one? View some useful options below.

* More training options will follow as the Helpdesk is being developed.

Het Landelijk Overleg Fracties (LOF)

The Landelijk Overleg Fracties (LOF) is a foundation dedicated to helping students who are part of participation bodies at one of the universities in the Netherlands. They do this mainly by facilitating meetings between student councils and by providing training. The trainers of the LOF are as a rule experienced council members and therefore really know what they are talking about. Moreover, because the LOF gives the training courses on a non-profit basis, the price-quality ratio of the LOF training courses is very high. You can request a training by emailing 

The LOF offers the following trainings:  

  • Campaigning
    in this training you will learn the ins and outs of online campaigning, how to campaign physically and draw up a campaign plan. For if you want to learn how to campaign well as a person, party or student council. 
  • Holding efficient meetings 
    In this training you will learn how to put together a good agenda and how to properly prepare meetings. In addition, you learn how to create balance and structure in your meetings using various meeting tools such as the BOB cycle. 
  • Rights and Duties (HEARA) 
    As a participation body, you have various rights and obligations, which are laid down in the Higher Education and Academic Research Act (HEARA). This is a fairly long document and not always accessible to a novice representative. Learn your basic rights in this training! And reflect on which ways you can achieve your goals for this year. 
  • Onboarding new council members 
    In a few months a new council will take your place. How well a new council can start depends very much on how a council is trained. After this training you will leave with a concrete plan of action about what kind of training activities you will organize, what kind of training documents you are going to provide and what information you want to transfer. 
  • Negotiating 
    You will be involved in participation for a year, and negotiation will occur both within the council and between the council and the board. How do you ensure that you, as a participation body, can perform your task well by being able to represent students?

Requesting a training 
LOF has a lot of knowledge, and in addition to a number of standard training courses, they can also tailor training courses for you, depending on your specific needs. If you send them an email about this they will contact you! 

Landelijk Overleg Universitaire Medezeggenschap (LOVUM) 

The LOVUM is an association dedicated to strengthening the position and functioning of university co-determination. The LOVUM does not provide training itself but acts as a platform for its members to gather information, share knowledge and exchange experiences. LOVUM focuses on aspects and developments of general relevance to university co-determination, without entering into the content and powers of participation within individual institutions.  

More information about LOVUM can be found at  

Do you need help finding the right training programs?

Contact us so that we can look together at what the best options are for you and/or your council. Email us via, or click on the button on the side.

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